A deep dive into the tools available for Browser-side storage. Plus, things you should know about Postgres. Also, a tool to make GPU programming easier.
An awesome series of lectures on Distributed Systems. Plus a deep dive into what your web browser is doing when you type in a webpage. Also, Dan Abramov's comments on why npm audit is broken.
We talk about the Serverless Trend and dive into Functions as a Service. Plus, a quick intro to Mathematical Combinatorics and Counting. Also, things that you'll probably need when building an app.
How Facebook implements Sharding for their backend services. Plus, Clean Code's recommendations on Commenting your Code. Also, the reason for why the internet went down for 2 hours on July 22nd.
Clean Code's advice on how to write readable functions. Plus, an introduction to WebAssembly and how to build a fast, concurrent database in Rust.
Naming Conventions in Clean code. Plus, the different types of technical debt and why they're not equal!
A step-by-step overview of how the SHA-256 cryptographic hashing algorithm works. Khan Academy switches to Go. Plus, a couple of amazing JavaScript repos.
How Grab handles Real-time Event Processing at massive scale (thousands of events per second) plus an amazing tool by GitHub and OpenAI