☕ Tech Dive - APIs

RESTful APIs, GraphQL, WebHooks, WebSockets. It's all explained here folks!

Hi Everyone!

Hope you’re all having a fantastic Thanksgiving!

Tech Dive - APIs

Table of Contents

  • What is an API

  • Internal vs. External APIs

  • Request-Response APIs

    • REST

    • GraphQL

  • Event-Driven APIs

    • WebSockets

    • WebHooks

What is an API?

An Application Programming Interface (API) is an interface that allows computer applications to exchange data with other computer applications.

These computer applications can be a web server (a web API), an operating system (POSIX) or a software library (tensorflow API for machine learning). These are just a couple examples of computer applications that can be exposed through an API.

When developers talk about APIs, they’re mostly referring to Web APIs, APIs that you can use to talk to a web server. The rest of this tech dive will be centered on Web APIs.

Internal vs. External APIs

When a company builds an API to expose their application, that API can either be an internal or external APIs. The internal/external subset is a useful way to differentiate APIs.

Internal API

An internal API is an API that is meant for the company’s own developers. It’s not meant for developers from outside the company to use.

As many companies shift to a Microservices architecture, where your application is divided into a collection of smaller services, the company will have lots of internal APIs that communicate to form the entire application.

If it’s an e-commerce business, you might have a web server that manages the inventory service, a web server for the shipping service and a web server for the storefront application. All these web servers talk to each other through their own APIs.

External API

An external API is an API that a company exposes for other developers to use.

An example is the Spotify API, that you can use for getting information about songs, music playlists, etc.

However, there are increasingly more and more companies that build developer tools, where the API is the product.

An example for this is Stripe, a company that helps developers integrate payment functionality into their apps (so developers can charge users).

These companies will typically charge you based on the number of times you make a call to the API. In Stripe’s case, however, they charge a payment processing fee (which is typically 2% of the payment and 35 cents).

API Paradigms

Once you build an API, it’s difficult to change it. That’s because changing the API will usually break every application that depends on the API, so it’s a great way to piss off all the API’s users.

This is why it’s extremely important to focus on designing your API the right way the first time. There are several paradigms you can use for designing your API.


Request-Response APIs work with a client requesting information from a server through an API endpoint ( a URL). The server will then send back a response with the information the client requested (or with an error). The data is typically sent as JSON.

The most common paradigm for Request-Response APIs is REST (or a RESTful API) but GraphQL has also become very popular recently.


Representational State Transfer is the most popular choice for building a Web API. It was designed by Roy Fielding in his PhD dissertation in 2000.

Let’s say we have a web server that contains information on movies, like the rating (rotten tomatoes), length, cast, etc. The website is QuastorMovieDatabase.com and the api is at api.QuastorMovieDatabase.com.

Here’s an example of how you could interact with it’s REST API.


HOST api.QuastorMovieDatabase.com

HTTP GET /movies?name=scarface

The response might be

Using this JSON response, we can filter out exactly what we want client-side.

REST APIs have 6 guiding constraints for how the interface must be designed

  1. Client-Server - REST applications should have a client-server architecture. The client should not be concerned with things like data storage, authentication and business-logic tasks. The server should not be concerned with UI.

  2. Uniform Interface - Uniform Interface defines the interactions between the client and the server. It consists of 4 guiding principles.

    1. Identification of Resources - You use the URL standard to identify a resource. So, with our movies web server, we can identify a particular movie with the URL /movies?name={movie_name}.

    2. Manipulation of Resources - You can use the HTTP standard to manipulate these resources. So, GET allows you to obtain the data contained by the URL resource. You need the identification (URL) and manipulation (HTTP method).

    3. Self-descriptive Messages - The client’s request and the server’s response should both contain all the information necessary for the message to be understood. There should not be additional information in a separate document or in another message.

    4. Hypermedia As The Engine of Application States (HATEOAS) - This relates to how you figure out how to use the API. You should be able to figure it out based off hyperlinks in the responses. An analogy is Wikipedia. When you’re browsing through wikipedia, you can easily navigate to related resources based off the hyperlink structure on the web page. Your REST API should function in the same way. Here’s a more detailed explanation of HATEOAS.

  3. Stateless - All necessary data for the server to handle the request should be contained within the request itself. The server shouldn’t have to look at previous requests from the client when determining how to respond to the current request.

  4. Cacheable - Every response from the server should include whether the response is cacheable and for long responses can be cached by the client. This improves scalability as it reduces the number of requests the client will make to the server (the tradeoff is that it increases the probability of stale data client-side).

  5. Layered System - Between the client and the server, there may be a number of servers that handle different tasks. Load balancing, caching, reverse proxies, etc. These layers should not affect the request or response and the client shouldn’t care about how many layers are between it and the server.

  6. Code On Demand (optional) - This is an optional constraint, but it means that the server can increase the functionality of the client at runtime by sending it code to execute (like JavaScript code).

The vast majority of Web APIs are RESTful. However, another paradigm is gaining steam.


GraphQL is the cool new kid on the block in terms of API Design. It was developed internally by Facebook and released in 2015. Since then, it’s been adopted by companies like GitHub, Yelp and Pinterest.

GraphQL is a query language for APIs that lets you define exactly what pieces of data you want the server to send back. There’s only one API endpoint and your request will define the structure of the data you want from the server.

So, going back to our movies web server. Here’s how it might go.

The response from the server might be something like

The benefits of GraphQL include

  • Save multiple round trips - With GraphQL, clients can fetch data across resources in a single request. With a traditional REST API, you might have to make multiple HTTP calls to the server, since the resources you need might be at different endpoints.

  • Smaller payload size - With GraphQL, the server will only respond with data that the client specifically asks for. With a REST API, servers will often respond with data that the client didn’t need, just because that’s how the API was designed.

  • Avoid Versioning - If you noticed with our GraphQL example, it isn’t really dependent on any version. There’s a single API endpoint and we just request the resources that we need. As long as that one API endpoint doesn’t change (and the resource names don’t change), the provider can make whatever changes he wants.

There’s an amazing documentary on the creation of GraphQL that you can check out here. I’d highly recommend watching it if you have a spare 20 minutes.