☕ Big Tech reopens

Google, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft and Uber have announced their reopening plans. Some Big Tech companies are going back to office-style work while others are embracing remote-work for the long term.

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Interviewing.io is a fantastic resource I wanted to share with you all.

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Industry News

Tech Companies are starting to reopen


  • Google employees will begin returning to offices in in April.

  • Google is planning a full reopen of offices by September.

  • Google will not be embracing remote work, and employees will be required to formally apply if they want to work remotely for more than 14 days per year.


  • Microsoft has already begun a partial reopen of their Redmond campus

  • The company plans on shifting to a hybrid work culture, where employees can work remotely for less than 50% of the year. They can request approval from their managers to work remotely full time (or to potentially move to a new location).


  • Most of Amazon’s staff will likely be back in the office by fall.

  • Currently, about 10% of AMazon’s corporate workforce is working from a physical office.

  • Amazon plans to return back to an office-centric culture as their baseline.


  • Facebook plans to reopen it’s Bay Area offices at 10% capacity starting May 10th

  • They expect their largest offices (headquarters at Menlo Park) won’t reach 50% capacity until early September

  • Facebook is embracing remote work for the long term, and they expect as many as 50% of Facebook employees will work remotely over the next decade.


  • Uber will be reopening Bay Area offices with up by 20% capacity as soon as this week!

  • They will continue their remote work policy until September 13th

  • Post-COVID, Uber will likely have a hybrid work model, but the details are still being ironed out.


  • Twitter and Square have both announced permanent work from home policies (both companies are led by Jack Dorsey).

  • Employees are no longer required to come into the office

Interview Question

Given any integer, print the English phrase version of that inger.


Input - 420

Output - Four hundred and twenty

Input - 19,323,984

Output - Nineteen million, three hundred and twenty three thousand, nine hundred and eighty four.

We’ll send a detailed solution tomorrow, so make sure you move our emails to primary, so you don’t miss them!

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Previous Solution

As a refresher, here’s the last question

Design an algorithm to figure out if someone has won a game of tic-tac-toe.


This is actually a question I got in a Microsoft interview last year.

A lot of times interviewers will ask you really vague questions and you’re expected to ask follow up questions to build some structure for the type of code you have to write.

A natural follow up would be clarifying the rules of Tic Tac Toe and then asking for how the game board would be inputted.

Let’s assume the game board will be inputted as a multi-dimensional array with “X” and “O” representing the moves of the two players.

So a sample input might be

input - [["X","O","X"],["O","X","X"],["O","X","O"]]

We’ll assume that the array will always have 9 items and each item will either be ““,”X” or “O”.

Now, we can just iterate through the rows and columns and diagonals and check if we have 3 in a row of either “X” or “O”.

The most important thing here is to write clean, readable code.

Here’s the Python 3 code.

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